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Winston-Salem police talk about community safety

Winston-Salem police talk about community safety
Winston Salem Police Department. Today, we are here to talk about the Get Connected Winston Salem initiative. Get connected. Winston Salem is *** groundbreaking initiative to combat violent crime through cutting edge technology for the Winston Salem business community. Today you will hear from Mayor Allen joins Sheriff Bobby F. Kimbrough Junior, Mark Owens of Greater Winston Salem and Chief William HP Junior. I will now ask Mayor Allen joins to come to the podium and share his remarks. Thank you. Good morning. Excuse me. Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to City Hall. This could be the safest place in the city right now. Looking around at all these wonderful police and sheriff's deputies and others are with us this morning. I'm extraordinarily excited about this program uh for our city and for our community. No, no secret. The fact that both our sheriffs and our police departments and really law enforcement across the country are are dealing with vacancies and and uh shortage of manpower. So any ways that we can come up with to address crime and to help our, our officers solve crime, prevent crime is something that I'm extraordinarily interested in this connections program that we'll be talking more about today. This is an opportunity to tie in cameras all throughout our city to our real time Crime Center and other ways to use it to uh detect crime to help solve crime. And then hopefully in some cases to prevent crime. I'm very grateful to uh our, I'm gonna say Police Department to our Chamber of Commerce who signed on as partners to help make this happen and to all the other partners that are here today, let me recognize my colleague, uh council member Annette Scipio, who is with us this uh this afternoon, as well as well as our uh interim city manager. Patrice toy is with us. So it's my distinct honor now to introduce the best sheriff in the world. Uh Sheriff Bobby Kimbrough, I appreciate that. That was awfully kind of you, man. I appreciate that. Uh It's always *** good day, *** good time when people come together, working together. And with that being said, we always better together, we're safer together. I'm excited that uh one state police department, the sheriff's office, we both are working together, sharing our real time Intelligence center. It saves lives, it prevents crimes. And also it gives *** whole another layer of security to the community. So I'm grateful for that. I want you all to know that we are working together. We share cameras, we share data, we share information, that's what makes us better. And so I want to thank you all for being here today. I wanna thank the chief, uh my, my friend, my confidant for being here. I want to thank all the representatives for being here because at the end of the day, it's truly gonna take all of us working together to make us safer. So with that being said, I'd like to introduce Mr Mark or thank you. Thank you, Mr Mayor. We appreciate everybody being here today. It's an exciting day. *** safer community is *** better community for our business community as well. We have three main goals to be the top mid size city in the southeast to be *** more equitable community and to be the best place to raise *** family. And our great public safety professionals are key to all of the achieving all of those goals and the more we can support our officers, our community, the safer community, we can our businesses will thrive. So on behalf of the downtown partnership, Jason Thiel visit Winston Salem and their team is Stephanie Pace Brown and of course the great police foundation of Winston Salem. We're excited today to be able to continue to work forward on making *** safer community here in Winston Salem. We're proud to support offering software for all city businesses and non residential, so churches, community centers, anywhere that's *** business that's not *** house opportunity to be *** part of the fuses camera system for free for two years as part of our business community supporting each other. So it's such *** tremendous honor to introduce Chief Penn, chief and Sheriff examples of leadership coming together working. And we're so proud to be here as you two leading us and Chief Pen. I'm proud to call you our police chief chief. Ok, good afternoon. Take *** long look at what, what's happening behind me. These are the stakeholders in our community united to combat crime. I'm always gonna take an opportunity to thank my dedicated staff who's out there on *** day to day basis trying to keep our community safe. But I also got to thank our community partners who are all around me who are here for the same reason, in particular, Greater Winston, Salem and Fuss Hs in particular have Austin de Klerk here with us, hs have been with us from the very beginning and has been pivotable pivotal in our fighting against crime, particularly with our real time Crime center. We all have *** role in crime fighting in our community, every one of us. Uh and they're based on three crucial points. Number one, see something, say something that's the only way we can combat crime particularly in the early stages. We, we have to make sure that the police department knows about crime so we can make the efforts to keep our community safe. Also get connected, share your feed with the police department. I understand that many in the community, most in the community, they cherish their privacy. And as the police department, we respect that privacy to uh as much as you do. However, in these public settings, exterior, but folks in our community, some folks in our community want to commit crimes. We need that feed not only to take people out of the community who want to do us harm, however, to deter others who may think this is *** place they can do it. Not here, not in Winston, Salem. And number three, we're stronger together when we're all working together. When you see these community partners united to keep our community safe. The sky is the limit. Historically, historically, any community that's been transformative has been community led in partnership and that's the key word, partnership with all of the stakeholders. So with that said, what you see is *** united front. We're not going anywhere, we're taking *** stand, we're going to protect this community and we're gonna do it together. That concludes everything we have today. If you have any specific questions about the program, I ask that you please email them to me just because they're so detailed. But if you have any other questions with people right here, please ask now, I guess um if she wants to just talk about cameras. So every business for we have them just in downtown or so I'm gonna let Chief Gomez talk about that, but let me, let me be clear. There's no just downtown. OK. This, this is ***, this is *** citywide effort to keep the entire city safe. Chief Gomez. Hey, good afternoon, everyone. So I'm Manny Gomez. I'm the assistant chief over the Criminal Intelligence Bureau which houses our real time crime Center. So to answer your question specifically, as Chief Ben indicated, this is *** city wide project that we could not have completed without the assistance of greater wins to Salem Inc and the Police Foundation and all our community partners. So we're very thankful for that. But what this program does, it allows any business as noted before church or any organization that that is within the boundaries of Winston Salem to subscribe to this program for the first two years for free. We have disseminated information to you guys. I believe through our email system to ensure that you guys get the QR code and the specifics on how we accomplish that. We encourage the community, especially the business community to contact us so that we can arrange getting them connected with our fuss representatives and then we can get them onto the system. What we say at the police department is this is *** community event. It's not just about protecting my piece of the pie as *** business owner. If I'm just concerned about protecting my piece of the pie, I don't help out the rest of the community if we all come together and we put our pieces of pie together. Now we get the whole picture and we're able to represent and protect the entire community before one crime becomes *** crime spree. So if we can detect and solve those crimes prior to them becoming issues, that's what we're trying to accomplish with this program. Yes. So we're starting to get into some of the tech technical portions of the actual program. So most of these business owners, so what we're using is we're using the current existing infrastructure that *** business has, right? So it's just using *** core to put the feed in the cloud where it's accessible to us. This is all secured and it all meets the federal requirements for siege standards. So it's protected in that form. But when we're talking about whether or not they have access to the feed, each individual business has their own video management software that they use. So they will still be able to retain all those rights. All they're doing is sharing those video feeds with us so that we can access them. Now when *** crime occurs and then we can disseminate that information to our officers almost immediately after the crime occurs. What's happening traditionally is *** crime occurs, an officer responds, we get to *** business and then someone is not available that can either access the video footage or there's some kind of delay because somebody doesn't have the password. And now *** crime that happened today is not getting solved until two weeks later, *** month later because of the delay in us just getting those video feeds. So this removes all that time frame out and we can expedite the apprehension of those criminals that are involved in this activity. Can I jump in here real quick? I wanna just reiterate one point. Chief Gomez says, because it's very important at no point at no point. Does the police department have access to any more info than the business owner? The business owner is still in control of their camera? Their sharing. He said that but I I thought it bear repeating uh chief in one thing about privacy. You talked about this in your opening statement, people are used to being videotaped when they go into *** business in public places. Now sharing that with the police. That's *** very valid point. We recognize that almost everywhere we go. If we're carrying *** cell phone as one walking gps, we give up those privacies and I understand some of the trepidation when we're trying new things. So when the police department is saying, hey, share your camera with us, I understand that. Um However, that's why we're making *** point. It is sharing, turning over to you're sharing that camera footage. This is how we keep you safe. Now it's no secret that we've had over the last couple of months, we've had some high profile crimes and it's the technology and technology from infrastructures that already existed. We're not buying up *** whole bunch of technology and saying, hey, let's do this, this, this infrastructure already exists and this is how we plan on and how we have been keeping our community safe and we're gonna stop for now. The follow up questions you can ask me or Chief Gomez on *** separate setting, but everyone has *** busy schedule. So we're gonna go ahead and end and just stay here if you have further questions. Thank you. Got to that. Yes, an earthquake.
Winston-Salem police talk about community safety
The Winston-Salem Police Department is coming together to hold a community safety meeting. They're expecting to get comments from the community when it comes to safety and violence in the city.Top StoriesFather turns himself in after Amber Alert issued for missing 4-year-oldRandolph County man arrested after being found with over $10,000 worth of stolen items, deputies sayA place to call home: Teen boy spends half his life in foster care says, 'I have come a really long way'Get the latest news stories of interest by clicking here

The Winston-Salem Police Department is coming together to hold a community safety meeting. They're expecting to get comments from the community when it comes to safety and violence in the city.

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