Breast Cancer Awareness Month | Editorial
Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women in the United States
Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women in the United States
Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women in the United States
It’s not a "Barbie" thing or a "Mean Girls" thing. It’s a breast cancer thing, so again, this October, we will wear our pink.
Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women in the United States.
Black women die from breast cancer at a higher rate than White women.
These stats are why organizations like Cancer Services and our partners at The American Cancer Society need your help.
Each Wednesday in October, besides our set and clothing all a shade of pink, in our newscast, you will see this QR code on your screen.
Whether you want to donate or lace up your sneakers and make strides, you can help end a disease that’s expected to take more than 43,000 women from their families this year alone. But if you don’t want to wait for a Wednesday, you can log onto our website right now, where you will find a link to all opportunities pink.
So join a walk, wear your pink, and give green.