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Attorney, family demand federal authorities act in case of woman killed vacationing in Mexico

Five months after Shanquella Robinson's death, attorney Ben Crump is demanding the U.S. prosecute or extradite those responsible.

Attorney, family demand federal authorities act in case of woman killed vacationing in Mexico

Five months after Shanquella Robinson's death, attorney Ben Crump is demanding the U.S. prosecute or extradite those responsible.

*** R I Sellers, S E E L L er S thumbs up if everybody can hear me, everybody. Good. Thumbs up. You good. All right. Well, we're here for another moment where our fight for justice continues. The beat goes on whether or not it's community building as we just did with these panel discussions or whether or not it's press conferences where we lift up names of those of us who need us to scream *** little bit louder so we can have the raindrops of justice dripped down upon us today. And today at this press conference, we're here to talk about MS Robbins. We're here to talk about someone who we did not forget about. We're here to talk about *** travesty and an injustice. But even more importantly, we're here to have *** call to action. You know, we talked *** lot about holding our leaders accountable, holding our friends accountable. But it's time for Washington DC to act so that we can have justice in North Carolina. It's time for Washington DC to act so that these parents can begin the opportunity to grieve so that they can actually sleep at night knowing that they fought for Justice for their loved one. I love fighting alongside Ben Crump because I know that drumbeat never stops. He's *** drum major for Justice, *** drum major for Peace. And even when he's not necessarily doing the work that you always see on TV, he's always fighting. And so Ben asked me, he said, Bakari, will you help us echo those calls to Washington DC to get this family some justice. And I said, I'm *** little boy from Denmark, South Carolina, but they look like they're part of my family. And so we're going to continue that fight. We're going to have Ben Crump come up and speak. We're proud to be here on this illustrious historically Black College campus where we've had these fight for justice before H BC. Us are no stranger to this fight. And so we're here again to scream loudly and I will start by asking the President of the United States, the vice president, both of whom I call friends. I'm asking for Merrick Garland, another individual. I call *** friend. I'm asking for Anthony Blinken, another individual. I call *** friend to do what's right and to do what's just to do what's righteous and to do what's justice, which is to make sure that individuals are brought to justice for harming one of our beautiful black sisters with that Benjamin Crump. Please come forward. Thank you. Give *** round of applause. Thank you for using your influence. Bakari sellers and your brilliance to always make the case for us. I want to thank so much, Doctor Anthony Davis, the President of Living Stone College for allowing this institution to serve as *** foundation for Justice Justice for Shala Robinson. So thank you Doctor Davis. And we certainly want to thank equal justice now, *** national civil rights organization and what could be more prophetic than to have equal justice now have *** forum where we're demanding equal justice now for Shala Robinson. That's right. We have her beautiful mother, Samandra here with us. We have her sister Quay here with us. We also have Mario Black from one million Youth, Voice, Million Youth, Martha Charlotte and, and Salisbury. Ok. And Salisbury, we have uh Dominique Calhoun who is the president elect of the National Bar Association, the largest association of lawyers and judges in America and abroad. We have M Don Grove who is the executive director of emancipate, North Carolina, who's gonna address you momentarily. We also have Reverend Greig Drumwright, who is the executive director and president of justice for the next generation. We have *** lot of special people here, but I'd be remiss if we didn't acknowledge Scott who is the national Chair of Criminal justice Reform for the NAACP nationally. Um And we thank all of these people because it's gonna take ***, *** yeoman's effort to get simple justice for. We have Jacob Blake Senior, the father of Jacob Blake Junior who as you all remember, was shot seven times in the back in Kenosha, Wisconsin did not think of robbery. He knows about justice delay to stand with Miss Robinson's mother and sister and their family to say we won't forget your daughter. And so with that, I'm going to give some brief remarks as Bakar said, and then we're gonna hear from, uh, Reverend Drumwright and Don Bla Mario Blacker announcing what their organizations are doing to stand in solidarity with the Robinson family. The developments, as you all know, attorney Sue Anne Robinson. Uh my co counsel and I authored *** letter that we sent to President Biden and Secretary Blanken asking them to do one or two things. And that was either to extradite the killers of Shaquill Robinson because there's an outstanding warrant by the Mexican government based on the evidence, not just on the video, but the evidence of autopsy that her neck was broke. That was the cause of death. And we see how her neck got broke based on the video R two to accept the concurrent jurisdiction that the Mexican government has offered America to come and have *** federal prosecutor prosecute the killers of Shaquill John Robinson. And the reason that is an option when you think about it, everybody involved were us citizens. I don't have to tell you all this story. Her and these alleged friends went to Mexico for *** vacation. Um for reasons we cannot think of. It's inexplicable, whether it's envy or what, why they would murder, why they would murder Chan. And it's still heartbreaking to think about the video. And so we have put the issue right at the footsteps of the White House. We expect Senator Menendez who's over the Foreign Relations Committee, sell us to have *** meeting with our legal team and the family. Tamika Mallory and others who have been advocating for justice to explain to us why they can do all these things for other people where they have no video evidence. But when you have video evidence of what happened to this angel from Charlotte, you all are slow dragon. It don't make any sense to any of us. And then also we expect that we're gonna have uh whether virtually or in person *** meeting with the White House after the first of April at least hear something from them in regards to our request. Now, they have been very cautious to say they don't want to interfere with the State Department and prosecutors and we respect that. However, however, she was an American citizen. She was killed on *** foreign land on video. We expect for you to care about this black woman just like you would care about any other American citizen killed in *** foreign country on video. So we want you to use the full weight of your office to get justice because as we talked about so eloquently and passionately today here at Livingstone College at the Equal Justice. Now for justice delayed is justice denied and we're going to get justice for Shala Robinson. We Gonna Get Justice one Way or The Other. Ella Robinson Justice Robinson, Justice Robson Justice for Robinson. Amen. Um And I know M Don Grove with emancipate M N C will make *** brief statement for you and then Reverend Drumwright, but we're gonna hear from her mother and her sister finally before we take some of your questions. So without further *** do *** great lawyer, *** great leader, *** great freedom fighter here in North Carolina, M Don Bla from Raleigh, North Carolina. Hello. My name is Attorney Don Grove. I am the executive director of Emancipate N C. That's Bla Grove, B L *** G R O V E uh Emancipate N C is an organization that is committed to ending systemic and institutional racism, particularly within the criminal justice system. And I stand here before you today, not just as an attorney, not just as an abolitionist, not just as an activist, but as *** black mother. And I stand here to say to you that we must remember that Black Lives Matter and the Justice for Black Lives Matters. It does not matter where this child was murdered. It does not matter the, the hue of the skin of the people that murdered this child. The only thing that matters is that there is *** mother who is grieving. Yes, sir. And at this very moment, sees no avenue for justice for her lost child. That is an indictment on America. That is an indictment on the criminal justice system. But most importantly, it is an indictment on the people who have the power to create justice to stand in this moment and show America and the world that Black lives matter. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And next, we will have Reverend Greg Drumwright from Justice for the next generation. Come and greet you. Good afternoon. I'm grateful to be back on the campus of Livingstone College where Black College Leadership has stepped up in more ways than one or two today to draw attention to the issues that continue to plight our community and specifically the next generation of Black and brown people in America. I've taken particular interest in this case like millions of people across the world because Shaquille wasn't just *** black woman. She was *** young black woman as attorney Grove said her life mattered because at 25 years old, this was *** young black female entrepreneur. She was also an H BC U alum graduate of Winston Salem State University right here in North Carolina where more H BC us exist than in any, any other state in the country. I pastor *** parish just 45 minutes up the road from here where 90% of millennials and college students fill my pews each and every Sunday. I am standing with shala family today Because that could have been *** young lady out of my congregation. That could have been *** young lady out of our neighborhood around the corner from our parish. That could have been one of the 21 of the young ladies in my family. I've known Mario Black for nearly 20 years and I'm joining the fight with the activists and organizers today. Justice for the next generation is standing with the Million Youth March here in Charlotte and in Salisbury, North Carolina. We're continuing our work with Attorney Benjamin Crump, Attorney Bakari Sellers to stand in solidarity with this family to bring Justice for Shala back to her family. I spoke with her family. I don't speak out on any case until I speak to the family so that I can understand who it is we're talking about today and after speaking with this family, I am convinced and I'm gonna do like uh Attorney Sellers did. I'm gonna call on my friends in Washington. I'm gonna call on assistant Attorney General Kristen Clark, who I have full confidence in who stood with our organization justice for the next generation as we were fighting for justice for young black folks in Alamance County. And I'm going to ask Washington to do the right thing. We are urging the State Department to extradite the killers of Miss Robinson back to Mexico where there is an outstanding warrant as *** clergyman. Let me say one more thing. This morning, I woke up and my first meeting was on *** call with college students as I am leading them through the prophetic book of Amos, prophet Amos, one of the, one of the most poignant prophets in our biblical text who spent most of his prophetic influence, urging that there would be justice, justice for the marginalized justice for those who are poor justice for those who are living on the fringes of the society then, and I would argue right now and in the words of prophet Amos, I would say from chapter five, verse 24 let justice roll down for Shaquill like mighty rivers of waters and righteousness like *** mighty stream. Justice for Shaquill Rob. Thank you so much, Reverend Drumwright. Um The final person you will hear from before we uh hear from Miss Amand and her sister is gonna be *** young man who hails right here in the Charlotte Mecklenburg County area. He's *** young brother who's been fighting with this family from day one. And so I, I thank him, I think until freedom with Tamika Mallory and my son and the others who have been fighting when there were no press, nobody because they say Shaquill life matters. And you know, oftentimes they try to accuse us for only making noise and raising alarm if it's *** white police officer that kills *** black person unjustly. Well, that is not true. Any time any person is killed unjustly, whether it's *** black person or *** white person, we make noise because we stand for justice and it does not matter If it is *** cop or somebody in the community, if you kill *** person unjustly, you should be held accountable. That is what equal justice is. And we want equal justice. Now, we don't want to have to come back 200 days later as until freedom is planning *** big march on Washington DC if they still haven't expedited these murderers. And so it is about never ever forgetting that Shaquill Robinson could have been your daughter, could have been, your sister, could have been your best friend. That's what this is about. So without further ado, Mr Mario Black, *** great leader, *** great civil rights leader for not just this county but for all over America Mario. Thank you. Good afternoon. I am Mario Black founder of Million Youth Marchal Charlotte in Salisbury. I may ask MS Robinson and to come stand beside me for two seconds, just stand beside me as I talk. Um as um attorney Trump has stated, um I've stood with this family from day one from really October to now. And my sole message and my purpose is to help get justice for Shane, Qula Robertson. Um This family had become my, my family. We did the official rally in December. I said this in Washington *** couple of weeks ago. We did the official rally in December. We celebrated her birthday in January, February. We did 1000 letter pink letters to Washington to Mexico, um, asking authorities to make sure that they do do the right thing. March the third, um, attorney Crump, um Tamika Mallory, um, John Burnett, um, *** bunch of us traveled to Washington with, um, the Robinson family. We were in Washington making them some noise and asking for justice for. Um, we was in, me and me and Miss Robertson were in New York the week after that same thing. Same message. Um Justice Robert, that's all we're asking for. President Biden. I said the wrong name in DC, but President Biden, um Vice President Harris um do the right thing and let this message these messages from all these people get to, to Washington. Um No justice, no peace arrest the carbo six. Say it with me. No justice, no peace arrest the combo six, right? Thank you so much Maria. And, and now we're gonna hear first from her sister Kla, uh who has been, I mean, really pushing this and you can only imagine if that was your, your blood, how you would feel. So she's not *** lawyer or *** commentator. She's going to speak from the heart about her sister and this is very hard for her and her mother. Ok, take your time. Um My mama did an interview about *** week ago, well, *** couple of days ago and the person in the interview asked her what would happen if she don't get justice. And I wanted to step in and say, well, in that case, then I need to change my occupation because we got the wrong people in the wrong places, the wrong jobs. There's no way that it should be five months with *** video in place and, and uh all kind of other information about the in the individuals that was um on *** trip with my sister. At this point, everybody in that room should be held accountable. At least one person should have been brought in for questioning. I don't understand it. We've been questioning it since October the 20 29th of her death. We've been questioning it and, and, and trying to figure out why is it taking so long, what is going on? Um It got, it gets to the point where we have to question our government. Um And that's sad and then it, it gets to the point where we have to stand up here and do press conference. There's certain stuff that we shouldn't have to do when it's too much information is out there. And let, let me say this. She's absolutely right. This is something that's easy. You have *** video, I mean, ocular proof, visual evidence, you have an autopsy telling us what was the cause of death? My law partner, Sue Anne Robinson should not have had to go spend *** week in Mexico trying to gather facts to do the job of government officials who can arrest people every day here in Charlotte and Salisbury with no evidence at all. You got all the evidence in the world. What is taking you so long? Why do we have to put such an effort for justice for Shala Robinson when we know what happened to her? Sometimes it's *** mystery. I know Rasim Carter in Mississippi, the young man who was lynched. Everybody. You don't know, We know who the murderers of Shaquill Robinson was. The question is why haven't they been arrested and sent to Mexico to face the evidence, extradite them? Now, now, now, now, now and, and we are not gonna hear from Miss Aleandro, her mother and then we're gonna try to take *** few of your questions. Good evening. Um My daughter Shan was ***, *** great daughter. She was *** great friend, you know, she loved people, love life and I don't know how no one could have done this to her. It's just terrible that they had *** heart. They didn't even have *** heart to do her like that. You know, she would give you the shirt off her back. You know, she was *** kind child, Grow up to be lovable, love people, you know, and they done something like this. It's just terrible. And then they had *** video that went viral the whole world seen the video and there's no been no arrest since, since October the 29. What kind of system is this, I just don't understand it. We will get justice for your baby. We will get justice. We're gonna try to take *** few of your questions if you have any. You go in DC earlier this month and you kind of talked about the diplomatic intervention. Has anything come out of that or have you talked to? I know you were saying you're gonna take the, the documents too though. Yes, we've Attorney Robinson and I have got the letter and the supporting affidavits and evidence to the White House to the Secretary blank and of the State Department as well. We sent it over to the Department of Justice to us, Attorney General Merrick Garland's attention. As I stated, we are expecting to meet with the Foreign Relations Committee And we are expecting to have an audience with some members of the White House after April 1st. And, and so it, I mean, that's three weeks. We're going on five months next week. We're counting down 200 days. We've already said it in Washington DC. We're gonna, we know that the National Bar Association is gonna be issuing *** letter. We understand that all the, uh, national fraternities and sororities and uh different civil rights organizations in that time leading up to 200 days are gonna be issuing demands for our government to do something. I, I was talking to, I, I don't know if it was uh President Davis, but we were talking about, oh, maybe it was attorney sellers about there's an outstanding warrant. You know, why isn't Mexico just coming to get to kill us? Right? We, the United States of America, do we really think somebody gonna come on our uh national land and try to take an American citizen without having some agreement that that person can be extradited. And so the question really is, why isn't the State Department extraditing these killers? I, I, you know, we, we, we keep thinking about, you know, unfortunately, the racial dynamics, this is *** black woman. Yeah, when it was Natalie Holloway, we did all kind of stuff. There should be no different, no different at all. For Shala Robson, this beautiful angel from Charlotte, North Carolina. Did y'all hear about her character? I mean, what she used to do, she would brave little boys and little girl's hair. I mean, she was just so involved in the community and for her to be killed in this manner and nobody do anything is *** shame before God, we have to get justice. Yes, ma'am. Have you gotten any sort of response trying to give any sort of explanation from any of the US agencies as to why there is such *** hold up? Well, you know, they've told the family and they tell us that they are working on the matter, but it's, it's just very difficult to believe. What are you having to work so hard on when you got *** video and you got an autopsy report and you got *** warrant, were Mexican authorities have already concluded the investigation. They've said that it was homicide is done, the work is done. And so it seems like the only thing remaining Thomas Lucas is for them to extradite the killers to *** government that's ready to prosecute if America isn't gonna prosecute. Let's let the Mexican government prosecute. Let's don't stand in the way, not one day longer, one more question what you two and can be made by individual to raise around this. You know, I, I love what Mario Black said that you know, the letters, I mean it matters the more we're calling, sending letters. You know, I, I thank April Ryan for asking the question at the White House Briefing last week. That was very important because we have to continue to use our voice for Shala Robson because she has no voice anymore. And I would hope and pray that if that was my daughter, somebody we thinking robbery to say when I get *** chance to speak to power, to speak truth to power and say, what are y'all doing about Shala Robertson? And I know there's *** lot going on in the world and I understand that, but this is an easy one, President Biden, this is an easy one. Vice President Harris. I mean, I, you gotta do is extradite, kill us back to Mexico. And so what individuals can do. And hopefully being here on the campus of Livingstone College, we can have all the chi uh young people here on the college campus, engage with this family to start *** letter writing campaign, uh email uh campaign where we just flood the emails at the State Department, you know, much in the way we had to do with Brittany Grin and say, you know, when are you going to extradite the killers of Shaquill Robinson? That should be everybody every day emailing the State Department to where they throw their hands and say, man and uh attorney Robinson. Yeah. OK. We gonna, we gonna do address this now. It shouldn't be this much effort. It should not be, it should not be the last question I gotta ask you worked hundreds of cases, thousands of conversations that you've had over your career. How is this story? How does the work that you were having to put into this? How is it so different than the other stories and situations that, you know, obviously this is *** little different than say, *** George or Brianna Taylor um has similarities to am Aubrey and Trayvon Martin. And when you think about citizens killing citizens, you know, police get to argue qualified immunity, you know, all these things. Well, this is ***, these are regular citizens and when you commit *** crime as *** regular citizen, they come and arrest you. And so what's so different about this? Reverend Drumwright? Is why are they coming to arrest these people? It's like they're hiding in plain sight. I mean, they're going on about their life. We're in *** state where there is legislation pending right now in the North Carolina General Assembly that is for it. Sheriffs to cooperate with ice. If we have *** process in place to extradite people who have come to America from Mexico and from all over the world to seek *** better life. Why can we not employ those same resources and those same processes to ensure that people who are *** danger to folks in the communities that they live in, in Charlotte as they walk the streets freely where we've seen them on *** video brutally murder their friend. Why is it so difficult for us to get them to Mexico? Because I can assure you the extra extradition processes that we have in place for people who come here seeking refuge is much swifter. Come on. Come on. Thank you. So we don't have to reinvent the wheel as Blake Grove said they can do it. We will keep you updated. We expect as I said to have this meeting with the Foreign Relations Committee in the United States Senate. We expect to have an audience at the White House and we expect nobody to sleep peacefully until we get justice. Justice, justice, justice. Thank you. Thank you all. Thank you. All right. Thank you, sir.
Attorney, family demand federal authorities act in case of woman killed vacationing in Mexico

Five months after Shanquella Robinson's death, attorney Ben Crump is demanding the U.S. prosecute or extradite those responsible.

Five months after a North Carolina woman was killed while on vacation in Mexico, attorney Ben Crump is demanding the White House get involved. "We have put the issue right at the footsteps of the White House," Crump said. At a news conference in Salisbury Thursday, Crump called for justice for Shanquella Robinson. Video shared online shows Robinson being attacked in a hotel room. Her friends claimed she had died of alcohol poisoning, but Mexican prosecutors said one of those friends was involved in her death. Top StoriesWinston-Salem church forgives nearly $3.3 million in medical debt for familiesSecond shooter arrested in Burke Street shooting murder, officers sayHandgun, marijuana found on Eastern High School campus, deputies sayGet the latest news stories of interest by clicking hereThe medical examiner ruled Robinson died from a broken neck and spinal cord injury. "Explain to us why they can do all these things with other people when they have no video evidence," Crump said. "But when you have video evidence of what happened to this angel from Charlotte, you all are slow dragging. It don't make sense to any of us."Crump promised to continue to pressure federal authorities to either prosecute the people responsible for her death or extradite them to Mexico. He hopes his legal team will be able to meet with White House officials in April. Watch: NOWCAST streaming newscasts NAVIGATE: Home | Weather | Watch NOWCAST TV | Local News | National | News We LoveTRENDING STORIES

Five months after a North Carolina woman was killed while on vacation in Mexico, attorney Ben Crump is demanding the White House get involved.

"We have put the issue right at the footsteps of the White House," Crump said.


At a news conference in Salisbury Thursday, Crump called for justice for Shanquella Robinson.

Video shared online shows Robinson being attacked in a hotel room.

Her friends claimed she had died of alcohol poisoning, but Mexican prosecutors said one of those friends was involved in her death.

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The medical examiner ruled Robinson died from a broken neck and spinal cord injury.

"Explain to us why they can do all these things with other people when they have no video evidence," Crump said. "But when you have video evidence of what happened to this angel from Charlotte, you all are slow dragging. It don't make sense to any of us."

Crump promised to continue to pressure federal authorities to either prosecute the people responsible for her death or extradite them to Mexico.

He hopes his legal team will be able to meet with White House officials in April.

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